Information on the Preparation of the Cataloguing in Publication

Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) represents a preliminary, short catalogue record prepared according to international standards for a book prior to its publication; it contains the most relevant data on the bibliographic characteristics and content of the publication.

CIP is prepared for: monographic publications; serial publications and other continuous sources (new and current titles of magazines, collections of papers, yearbooks, and so on); non-book materials (printed music, phonodocuments, audiovisual materials, cartographic materials, posters, postcards, graphic maps, and the like); electronic sources (with local access).

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Legal Deposit

The legal deposit copies are the joint property of the publisher and the libraries where they are kept. Data on each published publication is available in a union electronic catalogue and on the internet.

The Law on Library and Information Service (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 52/11) specifies the overall library activities in the Republic of Serbia and the affairs of the National Library of Serbia and the Matica Srpska Library.


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Purchase of Publications

The Ministry of Culture purchases selected titles of publications in the Serbian language and languages ​​of
national minorities in the Republic of Serbia, in printed and/or electronic form (CD/DVD editions), for the
network of public libraries in the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
Publications of importance for culture and art are bought.

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