The Matica Srpska Library publishes three series of printed catalogues of its rare collections (manuscripts, printed books, and legacies).

Current bibliography Bibliografija knjiga u Vojvodini (Bibliography of Books in Vojvodina) in five languages has been published since 1981.

The notable collection Tragovi (Traces), launched in 1991, contains selected professional texts.

Since 2016, the Matica Srpska Library has been publishing the collection Golden Book of the Matica Srpska Library (a collection of papers from the round table dedicated to the winner as part of the award).

Since 2015, the Matica Srpska and Matica Srpska Library have been publishing annually a collection of papers based on the lectures the participants of discussion forum Savremeni čovek i savremeni svet (Modern Man and Modern World).

Vesti (News), the newsletter of the Matica Srpska Library published quarterly, reports on the current activities of the Library. Godišnjak Biblioteke Matice srpske (Matica Srpska Library Yearbook) comprises Izveštaj o radu Biblioteke Matice srpske (Report on the Work of the Matica Srpska Library) and selected professional papers (1976–1981, 1989–).

Here you can view the publications of the Matica Srpska Library
Ћирилске рукописне књиге Библиотеке Матице српске

Old Cyrillic Manuscript Books in the Matica Srpska Library

The Matica Srpska Library publishes three series of printed catalogues of its rare collections. Within the series Ćirilske rukopisne knjige Biblioteke Matice srpske (Old Cyrillic Manuscript Books in the Matica Srpska Library), edited by Prof. Dr Vera Jerković, there are eighteen themed volumes (1988‒2018): 1. Gospels; 2. Epistle Books; 3. Psalter of Gavrilo Trojičanin from 1643; 4. Psalters; 5. Menaia. Octoechoses. Triodions; 6. Stichologion of Cyprian of Rača from the beginning of 18th century; 7. Akathist Hymns. Stichologions. Theotokions; 8. Prayer Books. Euchologions; 9. Typicon from Bečkerek from 14th century;10. Liturgical Books. Horologions; 11. Collections; 12. Teachings; 13. Dušanʼs Code—several manuscripts formerly belonging to the collections of Borđoški, Nikolajević, Tekelija, Stratimirović, and the Monastery of Kovilj; 14. Epitimia nomokanons; 15. Synaxaria. Services and Lives of the Saints; 16. Catechist Handbooks; 17. Songbooks. Story about the Battle of Kosovo; 18. Textbook and handbooks.

Look at the series Old Cyrillic Manuscript Books in the Matica Srpska Library

Catalogue of Old and Rare Books in the Matica Srpska Library

The series Katalog starih i retkih knjiga Biblioteke Matice srpske (Catalogue of Old and Rare Books in the Matica Srpska Library) comprises eight volumes—Ćirilicom štampane knjige 15–18. veka (Cyrillic Printed Books from the 15th to 17th Century), compiled by Dušica Grbić, Ksenija Minčić Obradović, and Katica Škorić (1994); Srpske knjige i periodika 18. veka (Serbian Books and Periodicals from the 18th Century), compiled by Mirjana Brković (1996). In the next three volumes are described Serbian books published between 1801 and 1867, compiled by Finka Pjevač i Jasna Kartalović (2005–2007). The sixth volume contains Objavljenija: 1791–1867 (Announcements from 1791 to 1867), compiled by Jasna Kartalović (2008); the next volume contains Oglasi Biblioteke Matice srpske: 1803–1867 (Advertisements of the Matica Srpska Library from 1803 to 1867), compiled by Jasna Kartalović and Svetlana Vučković (2010); and the final eighth volume contains Sitna štampana građa Biblioteke Matice srpske: 1801–1867 (Miscellaneous Ephemera of the Matica Srpska Library from 1801 to 1867), compiled by Jasna Kartalović (2012).

The total number of so far described old Serbian printed books in the aforementioned series is 6,739. Following the chronology of the collections, the bibliographic description of the old Serbian printed books has been completed, from Oktoih prvoglasnik (Octoechos, first voice), the first Serbian incunabulum, printed by Đurđe Crnojević in 1494, to the editions from 1867, which is the border year for the old Serbian book.


Look at the edition Catalogue of Old and Rare Books in the Matica Srpska Library


Каталог легата Библиотеке Матице српске

Catalogue of Legacies in the Matica Srpska Library

The series Katalog legata Biblioteke Matice srpske (Catalogue of Legacies in the Matica Srpska Library) comprises five volumes (1995–2004)—Biblioteka Platona Atanackovića (Personal Library of Bishop Platon Atanacković), compiled by Kornelija Olar, Finka Pjevač, and Svetlana Vučković (1995); Biblioteka Save Tekelije (Personal Library of Sava Tekelija), compiled by Svetlana Vučković, Kornelija Olar, Finka Pjevač, and Mirjana Brković (1997); Biblioteka Tekelijanuma, Tom 1 (The Tekelianum Library, Vol. 1), compiled by Finka Pjevač (2002); Biblioteka Tekelijanuma, Tom 2 (The Tekelianum Library, Vol. 2), compiled by Svetlana Vučković (2003); and Biblioteka Tekelijanuma, Tom 3 (The Tekelianum Library, Vol. 3), compiled by Svetlana Vučković, Dragica Mijović, Finka Pjevač, and Peter Hajnerman (2004). 

The catalogue Biblioteka Platona Atanackovića (Personal Library of Bishop Platon Atanacković) contains 341 volumes in several languages ​​and from various fields of knowledge. Most of the books are in Latin, followed by Serbian, French, Russian and other languages. In the catalogue Biblioteka Save Tekelije (Personal Library of Sava Tekelija), 1,984 books in 15 languages ​​are described, among which the oldest one is from the 15th century.


Look at the edition Catalogue of Legacies in the Matica Srpska Library

Каталог посебних збирки Библиотеке Матице српске

Catalogue of Non-Book Materials in the Matica Srpska Library

The series Katalog posebnih zbirki Biblioteke Matice srpske u pet knjiga (2013–2022) (Catalogue of Non-Book Materials in the Matica Srpska Library in Five Volumes (2013–2022)) presents the following collections: Oglasi Biblioteke Matice srpske (1868–1918) (Advertisements of the Matica Srpska Library from 1868 to 1918), compiled by Svetlana Dovniković (2013); Atlasi Biblioteke Matice srpske (1486–1918) (Maps in the Matica Srpska Library (1486–1918)) and Atlasi Biblioteke Matice srpske (1919–1977) (Maps in the Matica Srpska Library (1919–1977)), compiled by Olivera Šerbedžija and Marija Vaš (2018); Minijaturne knjige Biblioteke Matice srpske (1568–2020) (Miniature Books in the Matica Srpska Library (1568–2020)) (2021), compiled by Snežana Miljanović and Jovana Novakov; Katalog stripova Biblioteke Matice srpske (1940–2010) (Catalogue of Comic Books in the Matica Srpska Library (1940–2010)), compiled by Irena Zečević and Ana Glušac (2022). 

Look at the Catalogue of Non-Book Materials in the Matica Srpska Library



Within the bibliographic work in the Library, the most important is the current bibliography Bibliografija knjiga u Vojvodini (Bibliography of Books in Vojvodina) that has been published since 1981. It includes publications published in Vojvodina, publications of contemporary Vojvodina authors, as well as publications about Vojvodina. Other special bibliographies and printed catalogues of collections are also prepared. The work on personal bibliographies is particularly significant, among which stands out Bibliografija Ive Andrića (Bibliography of Ivo Andrić) published in two volumes as a joint edition of the Ivo Andrić Foundation, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and Matica Srpska Library. The Bibliography is compiled by Ljiljana Klevernić (coordinator), Kata Mirić, Melanija Blašković, Vesna Ukropina, Daniela Kermeci, Slađana Subašić, and Marija Vaš, with Miro Vuksanović as the editor-in chief (2011, 2022). It contains more than 20,000 bibliographic units. Bibliografija Borislava Mihajlovića Mihiza (Bibliography of Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz), compiled by Marija Jovancai, Slađana Subašić, and Vesna Ukropina, is a joint edition of the Matica Srpska Library, Serbian Reading Room in Irig, and Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz Foundation. Other bibliographies of prominent local authors, printed in Godišnjak Biblioteke Matice srpske (Matica Srpska Library Yearbook), are also valuable.

Look at the Bibliographies

Едиција „Трагови”

The Collection Tragovi

The collection Tragovi (Traces) was launched in 1991 to promote the work of the Matica Srpska Library experts. Twelve books have been published so far—Tragom srpske prošlosti (Traces of the Serbian Past) by Ivanka Veselinov, prepared by Prof. Dr Vera Jerković (1991); Ogledi iz bibliologije (Essays in Bibliology) by Marija Čurčić (1993); Prilozi za istoriju srpske periodike (Contributions to the History of Serbian Periodicals) by Milana Bikicki (1993); Beleške na belinama Njegoševih knjiga (Notes on the Margins of the Books by Njegoš) by Vladimir Otović (1994); Portreti iz srpske kulturne istorije (Portraits from the Serbian Cultural History) by Radovan Mićić (1995); Kazivanja o Biblioteci Matice srpske (Stories on the Matica Srpska Library) by Lazar Čurčić (1996); Ka savremenoj biblioteci (Towards a Modern Library) by Željko Vučković (1997); Šest poslenika Biblioteke Matice srpske (Six Prominent Figures of the Matica Srpska Library) by Gordana Đilas (1998); Znakovi starih knjiga (Marks of Old Books) by Dušica Grbić (2000); Ishodi i staze srpskih knjiga 18. veka (Courses and Paths of Serbian Books in the 18th Century) by author Lazar Čurčić, edited by Dušica Grbić (2006); Univerzum informacija: Biblioteka u svetu savremenih medija (The Universe of Information: A Library in the World of Modern Media) by Dragana D. Jovanović (2019), and Poslenici Biblioteke Matice srpske (Prominent Figures of the Matica Srpska Library) by Gordana Đilas (2022).

Look at the edition Tragovi

Годишњак Библиотеке Матице српске

Matica Srpska Library Yearbook

The first issue of Godišnjak Biblioteke Matice srpske (Matica Srpska Library Yearbook) was published in 1977 (for 1976). After a break from 1982 to 1988, it has been published continuously. It has been contributing to the development and promotion of librarianship and its scientific and humanistic significance for several decades. Godišnjak comprises Izveštaj o radu Biblioteke Matice srpske (Report on the Work of the Matica Srpska Library) for the current year, papers by experts from the Library, its associates, and scientific workers, as well as reviews, translations, and registers of personal names and geography terms.

Look at the Matica Srpska Library Yearbooks

Вести: Гласило

Vesti (News)—newsletter of the Matica Srpska Library

Vesti (News) is the newsletter of the Matica Srpska Library published quarterly. It reports on the work of the Library as transparently as possible. In the period from 1987 to 1992, a total of 18 issues were published, and the full name of the newsletter was Vesti iz BMS—novosti iz bibliotekarstva (News from MSL—news from librarianship). The first issue with a new title and new design was published in July 1992.

Look at the News

Посебна издања

Special Editions

The collection Posebna izdanja (Special Editions) was launched in 1996 with the intent to testify about its endowers, as well as about books and reading. The following books have been published within the collection so far: Priča o Sretenu Mariću (Story of Sreten Marić) by Radovan Popović (1996, 2002); Oslovljeni svet ili čarobna reč Raška Dimitrijevića (Addressed World or the Magic Word of Raško Dimitrijević) by Miodrag Radović (1998); Reči i vreme Milana Pražića (Words and Time of Milan Pražić), edited by Gordana Đilas (2002), Otvoreni svet: prevodi Duška Vrtunskog (Open World: Translations by Duško Vrtunski), edited by Gordana Đilas (2003), and Priručnik za ljubitelja knjige (The Book-Lover’s Enchiridion), edited by Alexander Ireland, translated by Olivera Krivošić (2012).

Look at the edition Special Editions


Catalogue of Serial Publications

In the newly launched collection Katalog serijskih publikacija Biblioteke Matice srpske (Catalogue of Serial Publications in the Matica Srpska Library), the first published book is Periodika iz oblasti kulture, umetnosti, jezika i književnosti na prostoru Vojvodine u Biblioteci Matice srpske, u periodu od 1825. do 2020. godine (Periodicals in the Field of Culture, Art, Language, and Literature in the Province of ​​Vojvodina in the Matica Srpska Library from 1825 to 2020), which presents editions in the Serbian language and languages of national minorities in the collection of the Matica Srpska Library.

Look at edition Catalogue of Serial Publications

Награда „Златна књига Библиотеке Матице српске”

Golden Book of the Matica Srpska Library Award

On the occasion of the Matica Srpska Library Day, the Golden Book of the Matica Srpska Library Award is established. It is awarded annually to a prominent scholar, writer or an artist, who contributed significantly to the development of librarianship and bibliographic work. The Award also includes a collection of papers from the round table dedicated to the winner, published by the Library within the collection Golden Book. From 2016 to 2023, there were eight winners: Predrag Piper, Radovan Beli Marković, Svetislav Božić, Lazar Čurčić, Marija Kleut, Goran Petrović, Ljiljana Pešikan-Ljuštanović, and Vladimir Pištalo.

Look at the edition Golden Book of the Matica Srpska Library

Савремени човек и савремени свет

Proceedings from the discussion forum Modern Man and Modern World

The discussion forum Savremeni čovek i savremeni svet (Modern Man and Modern World) represents an important programme framework established in 2015 by the Matica Srpska and Matica Srpska Library. The basic idea behind the programme is to search for answers to the key questions of modern man and modern world. It includes a series of lectures by eminent experts in the fields of culture, education, literature, history, psychology, philosophy, and others. The Matica Srpska and Matica Srpska Library publish annually a collection of papers based on the lectures of all the participants of this forum.

Look at the Proceedings from the discussion forum Modern Man and Modern World


Водичи кроз Библиотеку Матице српске

Books about the Matica Srpska Library

The most recent and comprehensive information about the Matica Srpska Library can be found in the publication Biblioteka Matice srpske: povodom 185 godina od otvaranja za javnost 1838 (Matica Srpska Library: On the Occasion of the 185th Anniversary of Its Opening to the Public in 1838) authored by Dušica Grbić, Gordana Đilas, and Aleksandra Drapšin (2023).

Look at the Books about the Matica Srpska Library


The Matica Srpska Library Guidebooks

The Matica Srpska Library Guidebook provides the basic information about its history, collections, and activities. Three editions have been published so far in several languages (1964, 1989, 1997), which testify to the continuity of development and innovations in accordance with the modern needs of library and information activities.

Look at The Matica Srpska Library Guidebooks

Јован Дучић : (1871-1943) : каталог изложбе

Exhibition Catalogues

The Library organized exhibitions from its collections with the accompanying catalogues on the occasion of many significant jubilees from the history of culture and science. At first, the material was exhibited in showcases, and since January 2011 the exhibitions are in electronic form. They are available in the Library premises and online, on the Library’s website.

Look at the Exhibition Catalogues


Библиографија Иве Андрића. Књига 2

Joint Editions

The Matica Srpska Library published significant joint editions with the National Library of Serbia, the Institute for Literature and Art, publishing houses Futura Publications and Prometej, the Serbian Reading Room in Irig, and other institutions. From 2003 to 2011, there were published eight issues of Raskršća (Crossroard), a literary and philosophical yearbook of Sreten Marić, a joint edition of the Matica Srpska Library, Kosjerić Municipality, and Public enterprise Official Gazette. Three publications were published together with the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, including Bibliografija Ive Andrića (Bibliography of Ivo Andrić) (2011 and 2022), the largest personal bibliography in Serbian cultural history. A facsimile edition of the manuscript Srpske bibliografije 1349–1817 (Serbian Bibliographies 1349‒1817), compiled by Lukijan Mušicki and edited by Mirjana D. Stefanović (2021) was a joint project of the Matica Srpska Library, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and Ivo Andrić Foundation.

Look at the Joint Editions