Information for publishers
Legal Deposit
Legal Deposit of Publication Law (Official Gazette of RS, no. 52/11, 13/16) precisely regulates the delivery and storage of the legal deposit in the Republic of Serbia.
The National Library of Serbia and the Matica Srpska Library collect, exchange, and store the legal deposit copies for the entire Republic of Serbia. Thus, this cultural asset is preserved in two places.
Publishers from the territory of the Province of Vojvodina are obliged to submit six copies of the publication to the Matica Srpska Library and one copy of the publication, prepared for printing, in PDF format (this PDF cannot be duplicated in depository libraries).
The mentioned and other provisions of the law have been applied since February 27, 2016.
The legal deposit copies are the joint property of the publisher and the libraries where they are kept. Data on each published publication is available in a union electronic catalogue and on the internet, which is the benefit of every publisher.
The Law on Library and Information Service (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 52/11) specifies the overall library activities in the Republic of Serbia and the affairs of the National Library of Serbia and the Matica Srpska Library.
Reception of the Legal Deposit
Matica Srpska Library
(Legal deposit)
1 Matice srpske street
21000 Novi Sad
Contact: Stevan Dražić
phone: +381 21 6612 254
phone: +381 21 420 199 / ext. 153
phone/fax: +381 21 420 271
e-mail: sd*****@bm*.rs
e-mail: ob******@bm*.rs