Continuing Professional Development in Library and Information Service
Organization of accredited programs of continuing professional development in library and information service by the Matica Srpska Library in 2024
In accordance with the Law on Library and Information Service (Official Gazette of the RS, No.52/11), Rulebook on Continuing Professional Development in Library and Information Service (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 18/13), and the Decision on the Commission for Accreditation of Programmes of Continuing Professional Development, the Matica Srpska Library of will organise the approved accredited programmes proposed by it for employees in the library and information service in 2024.
The programmes of the Matica Srpska Library will be realised primarily in the Matica Srpska Library, but they can also be held in the parent public libraries in case there is a sufficient number of interested librarians and if the parent library can provide the prescribed conditions for the realisation of the program. The schedule of organisation of accredited programs by the Matica Srpska Library in the parent libraries will be determined individually, based on the initiative of the parent library and as agreed between the Matica Srpska Library and the parent library.
Travel expenses and daily allowances for lecturers of the accredited programs of the Matica Srpska Library for employees in library and information service realised in the parent libraries are borne by the parent library where the accredited program is held.
The Matica Srpska Library will issue appropriate certificates of attendance to the participants of accredited programmes.
Registration of librarians to attend accredited programmes of the Matica Srpska Library is done by the library/institution where the librarian is employed on the given forms (Application 1 – programs in the Matica Srpska Library and Application 2 – programs in the parent libraries). Applications are filled out for each programme individually.
The application, certified and filed in the administrative protocol of the institution, is submitted to the following address:
Research and Development Department, Matica Srpska Library, 21 000 Novi Sad, 1 Matice Srpske Street.
Registration for attending the accredited programs of the Matica Srpska Library must be done atleast 15 days before the date of the programme.
For all information, you can contact the Research and Development Department of the Matica Srpska Library on the following phones: + 381 21 529 749 and +381 21 420 199, extension 276.
NOTE: All programs can also be implemented in the parent public libraries.
Interested participants will be informed in a timely manner about the new dates of holding accredited programs at the Matica Srpska Library.
Registry jobs
Marina Šmudla
e-mail: ms*****@bm*.rs
phone/fac: + 381 21 525 859
phone: + 381 21 420 199 / ext. 277
Silvija Čamber
e-mail: ca*****@bm*.rs
phone: + 381 21 529 749
phone: + 381 21 420 199 / ext. 276